While we are in Level 4 Lock-down, we cannot commemorate Anzac Day in our usual fashion, and it would appear that we are unlikely to be open for meetings until we are at Level 2 or maybe Level 1.
You can place a poppy or wreath at our Devonport Cenotaph in your own time while observing social distancing. You are encouraged to place suitable Anzac Day memorabilia in your window or porch or on your letterbox, front gate or fence. If you have a bear in your window, please make sure it is wearing a poppy. Virtual and Digital Anzac Day Ceremonies Various organisations are offering virtual or digital Anzac Day Ceremonies and you are encouraged to participate as best suits your daily programme and your degree of technical prowess! Following is a range of options. Please share them with others: Stand at Dawn:
Navy Band Anzac Day Service:
North Shore Brass:
Auckland Officers’ Club Anzac Service:
Televised Anzac Day Themed Programmes Various Anzac Day themed television programmes will be screened as follows: Maori Television:
Should nothing on offer appeal then, if you have any flour left, you can bake some Anzac Biscuits. See the recipe below. Howard Mace President
We hope you are all coping well with the current situation with everybody in lockdown. We have set up a telephone tree to contact members to check on your welfare and offer support if needed. You would have heard from them by now. Unfortunately, many of the telephone numbers on our membership list were out of date. If you have recently changed your details (address, email and/or phone number) We would appreciate it if you could email [email protected] to update our information. As you will be aware our Anzac Day service has been disrupted for the second time in two years. Chris Mullane and others are working on a virtual service for members and the community. We will not be laying out the Field of Remembrance for Anzac Day. However, we hope to make Remembrance Day on Wednesday 11 November 2020 a much more fitting commemoration this year so that members and the community can participate in a meaningful way. RSA National has set up a volunteer delivery service, they can pick up groceries and pharmaceutical products for you. There are protocols in place to keep the volunteers and you safe, and they will be considered essential services. Please do get in touch if you would like any help. Stay home, stay well and wash your hands. Yours faithfully, Howard Mace President |