Members of the Devonport RSA comprise four principal membership classes:
Returned Members – those who have served overseas in time of war or emergency
Service Members – those who have served or are serving in the NZDF or NZ Police
Associate Members – spouses and children/grandchildren of Returned/Service Members and other persons of good standing in the community
Youth Members – those under 18yrs
If you would like to join the Devonport RSA or transfer from another RSA to Devonport, please complete our Membership Application Form. For those under 80 years of age the annual subscription is $40, due and payable on joining and then annually on 1 January. If you are 80yrs and over or a current serving member of the NZDF membership is free.
The benefits of joining are:
As a member, you are welcome at any RSA throughout New Zealand. Our members are also welcome at affiliated service clubs in Australia, the UK, Canada and many more countries.
Members are encouraged to take part in a variety of activities – from fortnightly lunch meetings, monthly Friday events (from 1600) to National sporting competitions, with supporting social activities.
You have easy access to advice and support on veteran entitlements from the Local Support Advisor. We may also be able to offer financial assistance for medical and dental treatment.
But best of all you can meet new friends, enjoy the comradeship of old ones and be an active part of your community.